Reckless Love
I heard of a love, one so amazing, priceless, one which puts a smile on my face. Then a question came to me: How do I experience such love? It's not the type of love we see in movies. This type of love is incomparable, unmeasurable, undesirable, wonderful. I want to feel such love. But where? How? Who can give me such love?
The kind of love that comes running to you in times of need. The kind of love that leaves the 99 sheep to look for the lost one. The kind of love that will stop at nothing just to see you saved. The kind of love that let go of his pure son to carry the sins of you and I, our burdens and paid the price. That selfless kind of love.

Sometimes the reason we feel left out, the reason we feel depressed or sad is because we fail to understand and accept the love of our father which has been freely given to us.
So the only answer to my question on how to experience it is PRAYER.


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