I could go all day trying to write a poem,
If only I could write one.
But i cannot write a poem.
So what am I to do?
I jotted out words and tried to put them together,
Tried to make them rhyme just like Google said I should
But "nah" nothing was making sense.
It doesn't have to make sense, does it?
'Cos this poem is not for me
But for you to see how glad I am to have you.
You comfort me when am sad.
You confront me when am wrong.

You are always there for me,
You tell me how much you love me.
You keep me strong when am weak.
You know the right things to say to bring smiles back to my face.
You help me through all my fears.
You made the sun to brighten my day and the moon to keep watch when I sleep.
You saw in me what no-one could.
Gifts you kept in me to be unraveled later.
I can't write a poem but there's one thing I can and will do.
I will love you always and forever, My True Friend.


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